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mercredi 29 juillet 2009

Mark Mobius (Franklin Templeton) : Romania is one of least expensive countries in the world

Cela a le mérite d'être clair ! ;)
peut-être un peu too much mais bon, à prendre en considération tout de même...
Mon portefeuille possède des sociétés roumaines via le fond MEI Roemeneï en Bulgarije (environ 65% du fonds) et le fonds East Capital Balkan (environ 13% du fonds sur la Roumanie).
Mark Mobius, General Manager of the U.S. Templeton Asset Management company and one of the most influential investors in emerging markets, said that Romania is one of the least expensive countries in the world, with the potential of becoming one of the most exciting markets in the world.

Mobius, considered an emerging market guru, said that Romania’s problem is not a lack of money, but rather a lack of confidence and management. “We have been operating on the Romanian market for over 12 years, but things have just now started to move. The Romanian market will be much bigger than it is now. In the coming three-four years, capitalization and liquidity will double or even triple, while the number of listed companies will increase significantly,” Mobius, present at the official opening of the trading session at the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), said.

“Romania has a great chance of performing better than Western countries, because figures show that the Romanian market is less expensive than others. The PER [Price-to-Earnings Ratio] in emerging countries is 14, compared to 6 in Romania. The P/BV [Price-to-Book Value] in Romania is below 1, while in emerging markets it is 1.8. This is why it is time to buy here,” Mobius said.

Templeton’s General Manager said that the crisis is over on stock markets. “In November I kept saying “buy, buy, buy”, because there are many opportunities. Now, I can say it is not a rally, but rather an ongoing bull market, although there are still fluctuations.

(Middle Europe Invesments - 29/07/09)

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