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lundi 22 août 2011

East Capital Explorer investit 4M€ dans la société estonienne de construction Trev-2 Group

East Capital Explorer AB (publ) has agreed to invest EUR 4m into AS Trev-2
Group, a leading Estonian infrastructure construction company. Following the
investment, East Capital Explorer will own 18.5 percent of the company's shares
and receive a seat on its supervisory board.

Gert Tiivas, CEO of East Capital Explorer AB says: "We are pleased to make this
direct investment into Trev-2 Group. The company has a strong track-record in
the region with a high-caliber management team. Our common goal is to further
grow the company, which is a good IPO candidate."

Trev-2 Group's main activities include road construction, repair and
maintenance, as well as railroad construction and environmental construction. In
2009, the Estonian Road Administration awarded subsidiaries of the company as
best road construction and best road maintenance companies of the year. Now
celebrating its 50(th) anniversary, the group has long-term road maintenance
contracts in three regions of Estonia and also has operations in Latvia.

The transaction is subject to regulatory approval in Estonia, and is expected to
be completed during the third quarter of 2011. The investment by East Capital
Explorer will be used for the company's working capital and expansion activities
in the region.

East Capital entities currently hold a 9 percent stake in Trev-2 Group.
Following the transaction East Capital Explorer together with East Capital will
hold approximately 25 percent of the company.

(East Capital Explorer - 08/08/11)

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